Switchboard: The Cloud Collaboration Space

Zoom here, zoom there, zoom everywhere – the video meeting platform became a household name for people of all ages and walks of life over the last two years. From school, to work, to even remote weddings, the app was connecting us all throughout the pandemic. The importance of this cannot be understated, however the variety of use cases being served meant that the functionality itself was too generalized to truly power the future of work. We needed more real-time collaboration, knowledge capture, and seamless room transitions. That’s why we’re excited to tell you about Switchboard.

Switchboard is purpose-built for the reality of remote work. We know because we’ve been using it for the past year. Now our team can work side-by-side on a collaborative browser and never have to worry about losing our content when we leave the meeting again – from our CRM to our G-Suite, the ‘meeting memory’ is all there the next time we hop on. This user experience has super-powered us beyond passive communication and single player modes where only one person at a time can share what they are working on. Now, remote meetings are truly collaborative through the multiplayer mode Switchboard enables. 

This new approach to video meetings came from the unique insight CEO, founder, and good friend of Ross’, Amir Ashkenazi had: “Right now, we often spend more time figuring out how to work together than doing the work itself.” We knew that Amir, after exiting multiple successful companies, and his team were the perfect group to marry workplace tools and human connection all in one sophisticated, yet seamless place with their decades of experience at companies like Apple, eBay, Samsung, Mozilla, and Dropbox.

We’ve all done our best to plow through the pandemic with the tools available to us – it’s time to let the Switchboard team help us go faster and stop hacking disparate platforms together that only silo our work further away from our teammates. Switchboard has given us back time and brain space and we cannot be more excited for other teams to experience the same. We’re proud to have partnered with them from the very beginning alongside Sequoia and the General Partnership in $13.8M of seed financing.

Switchboard Beta is currently free to all users who are interested and is now live on Product Hunt. Learn more at switchboard.app


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